Sunday, June 20, 2010

father's day

It did not occur to me until two days ago that father's day would now apply to Terah. But then again, very little occurs to me these days besides the baby, bar, and pumping. (I could've used another "b" word there to make it more catchy but thought that might be a little inappropriate on a blog.) So a little shout out to Terah who's at home right now at Noah's beck and call while I'm at the library hitting the books...

Top 10 Reasons you're already a Great Dad:

10. You bring home the bacon.
9. You burp, swaddle, and rock Noah to sleep. Repeat.
8. When he spits up all over your shirt, you take it off, and then get spit up on again. Twice.
7. You've shown him the wonders of ESPN. In HD.
6. You witnessed his birth, and cut his umbilical cord. Heck, you even named him.
5. When he wakes up at night, you're there.
4. You take care of him by yourself all weekend long.
3. You give him baths every night.
2. You have, and will, make sure he will not go a day in his life without owning a Red Sox outfit.
1. You put up with his mommy (and I can personally attest to, that is no easy feat)!

Don't feel TOO sorry for him. He gets to go out and eat burgers today to celebrate while MY great dad watches Noah. Happy father's day!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Look who turned one-month today...

One month ago today, a little person named Noah entered into the world (not the one that built the ark, although we don't rule that out as a possibility one day). Today we celebrate one month of his existence including, but not limited to: spit-up, poopy diapers, watery diapers, being pooped on, being peed on, temper tantrums, but most importantly of all, all the happy moments of being a family together. Here are some pictures and videos we captured today to celebrate Noah's 1-month birthday!

our first family photo

some shots of Noah playing on the couch

daddy and baby taking a nap together

baby sleeping, mommy studying

one-month old video!

bonus video of Noah playing

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Food and a New Camera

this past Memorial Day we had a nice little BBQ dinner at the grandparents house. since i have this new camera i decided to see what kind of shots i could get. so, they're not professional, but here are some pictures of the tasty dinner i was able to capture. you can see i was trying really hard to get those cool foodie shots you see in magazines and stylish menus. maybe i was trying too hard :). i'll let you be the judge.
