Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Babysitter and Activity Girl

Our most visiting visitors came to visit again! We rewarded them by having some of the hottest days we've had around here all summer.

We always love it when the Babysitter and Activity Girl (so dubbed by our friend Kerry) grace us with their presence. Dan loves babies and Friday Night Lights, Lydia loves bubble tea, and I wowed them with my milk-producing super powers.

Noah also really enjoyed living the high life in their arms.

You know you've got yourself some lifetime friends when you can spend countless hours talking and laughing about all matters under the sun, including (ahem) a very spirited discussion on human anatomy.

That, and comparing iphone apps, are apparently enough to entertain us. Indeed, pretty fabulous times were had by all!


Dan said...

I can't see the video :(

What did Terah think about our anatomical conversation?

Michelle said...

Whoops. Had the video on private. Just added some more meat photos from Terah's iphone... He claims son does not reflect father's =).