Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some things can't be caught on camera

Lately, Noah's mannerisms have been cracking me up...

1. He likes to amble across the floor on his one-legged crawl while dragging his favorite plastic screwdriver or red block with him everywhere.

2. In the mornings after I feed him, he will stand in my lap, tilt his head sideways to look behind me, and grin at himself in the mirror.

3. When he's forced to lie down for a diaper change, he'll clasp his hands together and shake them... as if praying that God would let him up.

4. He loves grabbing our face and giving us a huge smile up close so we can smell his milk breath (it's quite lovely... not).

We did however capture Noah's snuggles when he was sick with a fever...

And his late night giggles with dad.

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