Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Oh Max

Meet Max. He is two and a half and one of the most lovable infuriating toddlers I know.

A few things about Max.

For over a month, it has been total mayhem trying to bathe this child (think screaming, kicking, climbing out).  Meanwhile, two bandaids must be placed on his perfectly fine non-injured leg at all times and the bandaids must never get wet. We think the two are related, but he hasn't made his reasoning behind either entirely clear to us.

He refuses to use any public bathroom except urinals and the great outdoors. Let's just say if we ever visit your house, your backyard will be of great interest. 

He has picked up the fine art of whining from his role model Noah and when we ask for better behavior, we get a "please...MOMMY!" 

He came home from preschool a few weeks ago with no pants. He apparently refused to wear them. 

We hope this is a stage? 

1 comment:

Liv said...

lovable + infuriating ...sounds about right for that age. :) R did the same with the suddenly loathing bathing and the band aids as decor and the refusing to wear clothes (still does those last two actually). i love that he has such a big personality! the rascally ones are the best. (crazy-making to be sure, but also their own special kind of awesome.)